When do classes meet?
The first course is held for five days the first or second week of July (dependent upon July 4 holiday). Fall and spring classes are held on six Saturdays. The final course is a weeklong class held in either late June or early July. The six seminars are held during the week from 3:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. with one occurring about every other month. A complete calendar of dates is shared during the program orientation held in late May after acceptances have been made.
Is there an internship?
Yes. There is a full-year (two-semester) internship with six “Best Practices in District Leadership Internship Seminars” from 3:30 to 6:30 p.m. at the CAPSS Office in West Hartford.
How is the internship placement determined?
ELP students complete a survey asking their preference on such things as size and type of district, geographic location, and more. In collaboration with CAPSS, the ELP Internship coordinator then reaches out to individual superintendents who have a proven record of success and makes individual matches.
Where do classes meet?
All sessions are held in the Hartford or Stamford areas.
Am I eligible for the 093 certification when I complete the program?
Yes. Participants can expect to attain their Connecticut 093 certification in one year upon satisfactory completion of this program.
Is this program only for those interested in becoming superintendents?
No. The Executive Leadership Program is for any current administrator looking to further develop their knowledge and skills. While the program is designed to prepare administrators to become superintendents, the course content is applicable to any administration position. Cohort members often say that this program is the best professional development they have received.
Are there any minimum acceptance requirements?
The Executive Leadership Program is specifically designed to prepare district leaders who have served successfully as the lead administrator for three or more years in a position that requires the Connecticut Intermediate Administrator Certificate (092). Most often this is in positions such as principal or central office leader. Assistant principals are also encouraged to apply.
Applicants to the ELP program must have completed a master’s degree plus a minimum of 15 appropriately related graduate credits beyond a master’s degree. They must also have an established record of successful educational leadership experience through a demonstrated:
- Ability to sustain positive professional relationships
- Capacity to lead an organization
- Ability to lead an educational organization that has improved student performance over time