The Executive Leadership Program consists of five, three-credit courses, including a two-semester internship with an experienced ELP Mentor Superintendent. Participants can expect to attain their Connecticut 093 certification in one year upon satisfactory completion of this program. Special Education coursework, a requirement for the Connecticut superintendent’s certificate, is incorporated throughout the program.
Each course is delivered through a balance of academic and practitioner perspectives and emphasizes applied theory and case studies around authentic district leadership problems of practice. University and clinical faculty serve as instructors in this program, while experienced superintendents and state policymakers play an active role in the “Best Practices Seminars.” The program focuses on the National Educational Leadership Preparation district standards and is further designed to ensure competency in a set of core understandings as noted below:
- Actualize Vision
- Develop Systems
- Recognize Context
- Influence Culture
- Navigate Politics
- Cultivate Board Relationship
- Champion Equity
… so that all students learn, achieve, and succeed.
All sessions are held in the Hartford or Stamford areas. Typically, class dates for the year are provided by late May or early June during orientation, so participants can plan personal and professional schedules around the program dates.
EDLR 6301: School District Executive Leadership, 3 credits
This course provides prospective superintendents with the background and knowledge necessary to successfully meet the challenges of the 21st century superintendency. Students will explore research and “best practice”-based leadership topics and their application to district improvement through case studies and other problem-based activities. Sessions include presentation of theory, guest presenters who share experiences that illustrate the topics in practice, and opportunity for application.
Five-day summer schedule, typically early to mid-July from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
EDLR 6302: School District Policy, Politics and Governance, 3 credits
Study of educational policy and school governance; the politics of educational administration; reform; finance; and the processes of district policy formulation, implementation, and analysis. Specific school district policy and governance issues are examined.
Fall semester, seven sessions on Saturday from 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
EDLR 6303: Data-Driven Decision Making for School Improvement and Policy, 3 credits
Provides school leaders with the knowledge necessary to analyze and improve instructional programs and practices by relying on data-driven strategies and tools. The course meets in seminar/lab format with students working on data-driven problems, analyses and developing action plans as a result. Students work on several case studies and a major project of personal, professional significance.
Spring semester, seven sessions on Saturday mornings from 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
EDLR 6304: Financial and Human Resources Management in Education, 3 credits
Study of human resources development practices in school systems, with emphasis on central office and school unit responsibilities for attracting, selecting, developing, evaluating, and retaining competent faculty and staff. This course also includes the study of concepts in school finance and school business management. Attention is given to national, state, and local issues. Emphasis is also given to school support services including transportation, faculty planning and maintenance, food service, and risk management.
Five-day summer schedule (second summer), typically late June to mid-July.
EDLR 6092: Internship/Practicum, 3 credits
Full-year (two-semester) internship with six “Best Practices in District Leadership Internship Seminars” from 3:30 to 6:30 p.m. at the CAPSS Office in West Hartford.